Шоколадово Тирамису - EOS Horeca
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Chocolate Tiramisu

Weight Ingredients
For the cream:
5 pcs Yolks
435 г Mascarpone
348 г High-fat cream
150 г Valrhona Guana 70%
110 г Zahar
For the syrup:
375 г Espresso or strong coffee
15 г Zahar
50 г Liquor
To finish:
30 - 32 pcs Biscotti
50 г Valrhona Cocoa Powder



For the cream:

Whip the cream and refrigerate. Combine the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and cook in a water bath, stirring constantly, until slightly thickened. The temperature should reach 84-85°C. Remove from the heat and continue stirring until ribbons form. Stir in the room temperature mascarpone (the mixture may look separated, but it will be fine). Melt chocolate in microwave and add to mixture, continuing to stir until smooth. Check the temperature - the mixture should be around or below 35°C before adding to the whipped cream. Use immediately.

For the syrup:

Make the coffee. Add the sugar and the liqueur. Set aside until cool.

To finish:

Dip the biscotti one by one in the syrup. Cover the bottom with 2 - 3 of them. Place a few spoonfuls of the chocolate mascarpone cream directly on top, smoothing gently to create an even layer. Continue to line until you reach the top of the dish. Refrigerate for at least 12 hours. Sprinkle with cocoa and desired shaved chocolate.