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Calzetti се ражда благодарение на дългогодишния опит на екип от професионалисти в продажбата на италиански сирена на международния пазар.

Продуктите на компанията, произведени по най-висок стандарт и без консерванти присъстват в много италиански магазини за деликатеси и супермаркети из цяла Италия, и са любим помощник в кухнята на професионалния готвач.

PROVA Gourmet – френска компания с над 75 години опит в подбора на най-ценните съставки и превръщането им в продукти с несравним вкус.

Ванилови зърна с различен произход, натурални екстракти и ароматизатори, прахове, пасти и захари – това са кулинарните творчески материали, които Prova предоставяме на професионалистите в областта на гастрономията по целия свят, за да направи изключително всяко дегустационно преживяване.


Le Monde des Crepes - located in the Côte d'Armor in northwest France, the company is a manufacturer and supplier of a wide range of types of pancakes, blintzes, galettes and more. The company offers products specially adapted to the needs of the professional chef to help him offer the perfect breakfast or dessert, alone or part of a gourmet catering.

Louis Francois - With over 100 years of experience in creating premium products, Louis Francois is a leader in specialty and technical ingredients for baking and confectionery. Focused on innovation and precision, the company creates products that are essential and beneficial to every kitchen professional.

Elda - As a family-owned company with over 100 years of experience and three generations of dairy tradition, Elda is one of the top producers of cream cheese, mascarpone and ricotta. Driven by its passion for dairy products, the company works every day to improve the potential of these professional favourites.

Naarmann - For more than 117 years, Naarmann from the Münsterland region has been a supplier of high-quality, long-lasting and diverse dairy products for the catering, food processing and food manufacturing industries. Thanks to the high quality in the production of dairy products and the constant development of the assortment, Naarmann succeeded in establishing a name for itself as a milk producer in the professional sphere, and has since become an indispensable part of the catering and hotel industry and a good assistant for the professional in the kitchen.

St. Michel was founded in 1905 as the St. Michel family bakery and has since become a symbol of French love of food and culture, and the iconic Madeleine a true ambassador of tradition and natural baking around the world.

  • products with eggs from free-range hens
  • French wheat flour
  • without the presence of palm oil