Boiron Пюре от Касис 1 кг - EOS Horeca
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Boiron Пюре от Касис 1 кг

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This fruit puree is derived from the rigorous selection and blending of ripe fruit varieties harvested by Les vergers Boiron growers. The product is pressed and packaged in their factory in Valence (France) and the production process guarantees an unchanging sugar content and acidity, while maintaining the maximum organoleptic properties of the fresh fruit.

✅ Contains no preservatives* , artificial colours* or flavours.


  • Pastry: ice cream, sorbet, French macarons, desserts, toppings, ganaches, fillings, jams, syrups, etc.
  • Cooking: used in all types of cuisines - from additives for soups and salad dressings to sauces for main dishes, including meat and seafood;
  • Bartending: over 300 applications for cocktails and soft drinks.

Pieces in a box: 6

Storage: - 18˚С

Manufacturer: Boiron, France

Shelf life: minimum 18 months

Defrosting and storing information after opening:

In order to preserve all the organoleptic qualities of the product, Les vergers Boiron recommends defrosting the puree in its original closed packaging, at a temperature between +2 / +4 ° C, for a minimum of 24 hours. If necessary, you can also defrost the product in its original packaging in a bain-marie or at a moderate temperature in a microwave oven. For a perfectly homogeneous product, Les vergers Boiron recommends thawing the entire product and stirring it. After defrosting, the product can be stored according to the recommendations of the technical specification at +2/+4°C in its closed packaging.

Defrosting and post-defrost storage are the responsibility of the user and must be carried out in accordance with good hygiene and HACCP practices. DO NOT FREEZE THAWED PRODUCT.



  1. About the manufacturer:

French producer, creator of the technology of fruit preservation by shock freezing. World leader in the production and processing of frozen fruits and vegetables.

  1. Technology:

Boiron only harvests selected fruit from the best regions around the world picked at the peak of their ripeness. The processing technology is tailored to each fruit individually and includes the removal of seeds, stems, peels, etc. The product is ground until it has the consistency of a puree, then shock frozen at -18°C. This ensures that the qualities of the fresh fruit are preserved after thawing the puree without the addition of thickeners, colourings and other preservatives.

  1. Advantages of fruit purees:
  • Natural and healthy product of a pureed clean fruit;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Guaranteed consistent product quality, taste, color and aroma;
  • A solution to the problem of seasonality and manual processing of fruit such as cleaning, peeling, cutting, etc. and guaranteed consistent taste all year round;
  • Consistent cost of the final product;
  1. Applications:
  • Confectionery: ice cream, sorbet, French macarons, desserts, toppings, ganaches, fillings, jams, syrups, etc.
  • Cooking: used in all types of cuisines, from additives for soups and salad dressings, to sauces for main, including meat and seafood dishes;
  • Bartending: over 300 applications for cocktails and soft drinks.
  1. Useful tips:

The product packaging is a rectangular plastic box with a convenient lid. It is designed to take up minimal space in a refrigerated chamber and several boxes can be placed stably on top of each other. The consistency of the product when frozen is firm, but it allows handling without thawing. An ice pick or heated knife can be used to scoop out a certain amount out of the box. The contents can be thawed in a refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

  1. Storage

Defrosting can be carried out in a water bath, at room temperature or in a microwave oven in addition to the refrigerator. Once the product has been thawed, we do not recommend refreezing because there is a risk that the taste may be impaired. The purees should be stored in a refrigerator, where they last on average for up to 5-6 days.