Cirio Боб "Борлоти" 410 г - EOS Horeca
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Cirio Beans Borlotti 410 g



Pieces in a box: x 6

Storage: in a dry and cool place.

Applications: cooking

Manufacturer: Cirio, Italy




About the manufacturer:


The company's history dates back to the mid-18th century, when founder Francesco Cirio implemented the technology of fruit and vegetable preservation (appertization) in industrial production. The doors to global business opened for the company after the construction of their factory in Turin, and in the 19th century, Cirio ranked among the most influential and large food producers in Europe. The company's product range today is extremely wide, covering fresh and canned fruit and vegetables; meat and fish; pasta; coffee; milk; marmalade and much more.




The production uses 100% raw product from Italy as Cirio works with over 14,500 farmers across the country. Agronomists oversee the process from planting and cultivation to harvesting the finished product, including selection of special seeds for the various products, as well as strict controls on GMOs. All of Cirio's 10 factories are located no more than 50 km from the growing gardens. This ensures the product is processed within 24 hours of picking, while it is still fresh.




  • Italian product with consistent quality and without the presence of preservatives;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Cuts designed for professional culinary needs;